Saturday, November 11, 2006

Harry Potter Quiz

1: How many Quidditch league teams are there?

2: Who is the Ravenclaw Seeker?
Cho Chang
Cederic Diggory

3: How many chasers can be found on a team?

4: What shape are Dumbledore's glasses?
Half Moon
No Glasses

5: What is Harry's wand made of?

6 : Ron has how many brothers?

7: What is Harry's middle name?

8:What is the name of the pub in the village of Little Hangleton?
The Dripping Beer
The Hanged Man
The Leaky Cauldron
The Sneaky Pub

9:What is the name of the Weasley's ancient owl?

10:What invention of Fred and George makes you turn into a bird?
Canary Cream
Fruit Tart
Ton-Tongue Toffe
Trick Wand

11:What is Voldemort's real name?
Tony Riddle
Tom Marvolo Riddle
Barty Crouch

12: What house is Luna Lovegood in?

13: What is the Prefects' bathroom password?
Caput Draconi
Pine Fresh

14: Who is the head of The Department for the Regulation and Control of
Magical Creatures?
Tom Riddle
Arthur Weasley
Amos Diggory
Bertha Jorkins

15: Arthimancy is taught by who?
Professor Flaw
Professor Vector
Professor Snape
Professor Binns

16: Finish this book title: Hogwarts A

17: What was Dumbledore's office password in the Chamber of Secrets.
Sherbert Lemon

18: Professor Snape is after the job of which class?
Defence Against the Dark Arts
Care of Magical Creatures

19:How does a Pocket Sneakoscope let you know when someone untrustworthy is around?
A) It makes a whirring sound
B) It bounces up and down
C) It heats up
D) It lights up and spins

20. What is the Knight Bus conductor's name?
A) Bert Bluebelt
B) Stan Shunpike
C) Hugh Hedgley
D) Carl Cu

21. What is a remedy used for someone who has come in contact with a dementor?
A) Chocolate
B) Milk
C) Butterbeer
D) Tea

22. What shape does the boggart take when Neville looks at it?
A) Draco Malfoy
B) Professor Snape
C) Lord Voldemort
D) His grandmother

23. After tapping the parchment, what do you say to make the Marauder's Map go blank?
A) Mission accomplished
B) Devilishness done
C) Crime complete
D) Mischief managed

24. How do you know if you are allowed to touch a hippogriff?
A) He nods
B) He flaps his wings
C) He bows
D) He kicks his hind leg

25. What does Professor Lupin drink to prevent him from turning into a werewolf?
A) Wolfsbane potion
B) Polyjuice potion
C) Houndshead potion
D) Growlman potion

26. What body part is Peter Pettigrew missing?
A) His toe
B) His finger
C) His ear
D) His foot

27. In the first task of the Triwizard Tournament, contestants must
defeat a:
A) Dragon
B) Blast-ended Skrewt
C) House Elf
D) Snake

28. Which of the following is NOT one of the unforgivable curses?
A) Imperio!
B) Crucio!
C) Cheerio!
D) Avada Kedavra!

29. Hermione starts up an activist group called S.P.E.W. What do these letters stand for?
A) Society for the Promotion of English Waffles
B) Society for the Promotion of Elfish Witches
C) Society for the Promotion of Excellent Weasels
D) Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare

30. The scar on Harry's forehead starts to do what?
A) Hurt
B) Turn gold
C) Speak
D) Disappear

31. How old must contestants be to participate in the Triwizard Tournament?
A) 14
B) 15
C) 16
D) 17

32. What magical tool does reporter Rita Skeeter use?
A) Cliffs Notes
B) Quick-Quotes Quill
C) Potion-Poisoned Pen
D) Rapid-Reflex Writer

33. What's the name of Mr. Crouch's house elf?
A) Winky
B) Blinky
C) Dobby
D) Fluffy

34. What famous musical group plays at the Hogwarts Yule Ball?
A) 'NSync
B) Backstreet Boys
C) The Weird Sisters
D) B*Witched

35. Who does Harry take to the Yule Ball?
A) Ginny Weasley
B) Hermione Granger
C) Cho Chang
D) Parvati Patil

36Where are Neville Longbottom's parents?
A) Azkaban
B) St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries
C) Beauxbatons
D) Little Hangleton

37:The Dursleys receive a letter from Mrs. Weasley inviting Harry to:
A) A swimming party
B) The Quidditch World Cup
C) A magic convention
D) A birthday party

38. Fred and George Weasley invent what kind of magical candy?
A) Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans
B) Chocolate broomsticks
C) Ton-Tongue Toffee
D) Exploding bubble gum

39. Who is Percy Weasley's boss?
A) Mr. Crouch
B) Mr. Bagman
C) Mr. Diggory
D)Professor Dumbledore

40. What is Ron Weasley's favorite Quidditch team?
A) The Rayburn Rockets
B) The Chudley Cannons
C) The London Lasers
D) Wimbourne Wasps

42. Who is Ron Weasley's favorite Quidditch player?
A) Viktor Krum
B) Oliver Wood
C) Hassan Mostafa
D) Aidan Lynch

43. Who is missing from the Ministry of Magic?
A) Rita Skeeter
B) Bertha Jorkins
C) Ludo Bagman
D) Gilbert Wimple

44. Which of these is a wizarding school like Hogwarts?
A) Beauxbatons
B) Batonrouges
C) Batontwirls
D) Beauxbridges

45. Who is Hogwarts new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in number 4?
A) Professor Trelawney
B) Rita Skeeter
C) Mad-Eye Moody
D) Sirius Black

46:How are contestants for the Triwizard Tournament chosen?
A) Sorting Hat
B) Lottery
C) Goblet of Fire
D) Quidditch play-off

47. What is Professor McGonagall's first name?
A) Minerva
B) Marfasa
C) Magda
D) Minette

48. Who is the librarian of Hogwarts?
A) Madam Poppy
B) Madam Pitney
C) Madam Pince
D) Madam Pomfrey

49. What is Madam Rosmerta's job?
A) She is Ludo Bagman's secretary.
B) She makes broomsticks.
C) She is the guard ghost of Ravenclaw tower.
D) She owns The Three Broomsticks pub.

50. What is Rita Skeeter's secret?
A) She is a Muggle.
B) She lost her wand.
C) She is an un-registered animagus.
D) She was a Death Eater.

51. Madam Hooch is instructor of what subject?
A) Divination
B) Transfiguartion
C) Flying
D) Astronomy

52. What Quidditch position does Cho Chang play?
A) Chaser
B) Seeker
C) Beater
D) Keeper

53. Who is Parvati Patil's best friend?
A) Lavender Brown
B) Millicent Bulstrode
C) Ginny Weasley
D) Hermione Gringold

54. Who of the following is NOT on the Gryffindor Quidditch team?
A) Katie Bell
B) Angelina Johnson
C) Penelope Clearwater
D) Alicia Spinnet

55. What is the name of Fleur Delacour's little sister?
A) Gracielle
B) Mirielle
C) Gabrielle
D) Ginny

56. Who is professor of Divination?
A) Professor McGonagall
B) Madam Pomfrey
C) Madam Hooch
D) Professor Trelawney

57is Trevor?
A) Neville's toad
B) Neville's lizard
C) Dean's owl
D) Dean's cat

58. How do you make Fluffy, the three headed dog, fall asleep?
A) tickle him on the stomach
B) read to him
C) play him music
D) give him a bath

59. What color is Crookshanks the cat?
A) ginger
B) black
C) white
D) grey

60. What two animals are hippogriffs made from?
A) horses and swans
B) donkeys and eagles
C) donkeys and horses
D) horses and eagles

61. What kind of dragon is Norbert?
A) Norwegian Ridgeback
B) Rhodesian Ridgeback
C) Welsh Ridgeback
D) Swedish Ridgeback

62. What is the name of a young centaur Harry meets in the Forbidden Forest?
A) Ronan
B) Firenze
C) Fawkes
D) Bane

63. What is Aragog?
A) the leader of a group of enormous spiders
B) the dragon Harry must fight in the Triwizard Tournament
C) the phoenix in Professor Dumbledore's office
D) the creature that guards the Sorcerer's Stone

64.By saying _____ Harry can Stun his friends, however he is more likely to use this spell on his enemies.
A) Stupefy
B) Deletrius
C) Prior Incantato
D) Lumos

65. _____, also known as the Disarming Spell, is a useful spell to know.
A) Crucio
B) Expelliarmus
C) Engorgio
D) Reducio

66. _____ is another one of the Unforgivable Curses. Unlike the other two though, you can fight this one if you try hard enough.
A) Accio
B) Avada Kedavra
C) Imperio
D) Furnunculus

67. This is a spell that only Death Eaters know. They say _____ and the Dark Mark appears.
A) Morsmordre
B) Lumos
C) Expelliarmus
D) Stupefy

68. By saying _____ Harry can drive off a dementor.
A) Dox
B) Stupefy
C) Expecto Patronum
D) Riddikulus

69When you say _____ your wand will light up like a flash light.
A) Lumos
B) Stupefy
C) Expecto Patromum
D) Dox

70. _____ is the spell that killed Harry's Parents. There is no counter spell, and Harry is the only person ever to survive it.
A) Accio
B) Avada Kedavra
C) Imperio
D) Ropas

71. By saying _____ and the object he wants, Harry can have it come to him. (Hint: This is the summoning spell).
A) Expielliarums
B) Stupefy
C) Crucio
D) Accio

72. This is one of the Unforgivable Curses. When the witch or wizard says _____ the person that they are aiming the spell at finds themselves in great pain.
A) Accio
B) Lumos
C) Crucio
D) Expecto Patronus

73.Where does Ron's father work?
A) The Leaky Cauldron
B) Gringotts
C) The Ministry of Magic
D) Flourish and Blotts

74.What is Hagrid's first name?
A) Rubeus
B) Ronald
C) Roddy
D) Roland

75.What does Floo powder do?
A) Causes people to have sneezing fits
B) Transforms one person into another
C) Makes a person invisible
D) Rapidly takes a person from one place to another

76. Who is Scabbers?
A) A rat
B) A house-elf
C) A poltergeist at Hogwarts
D) An owl

77. What is a Parselmouth?
A) A wizard in the Parliament
B) Someone who is half Muggle, half Wizard
C) Someone who can talk to snakes
D) Someone who can talk to dragons

78.Gringotts, the Wizard Bank, is managed by:
A) Munchkins
B) Gremlins
C) Dragons
D) Goblins

79.See me and you may die soon. I look like a large dog. What am I?
A) A Cat
B) A Grim
C) A Broken Broom
D) Lord Voldemort's Face

80. I come in many styles, forms, and sizes. Harry's is called a Firebolt. What am I?
A) A broom
B) A wand
C) A frog
D) An owl

81. People say that I am haunted. This is not true. The sounds that used to come from me were the sounds of Lupin transforming and clawing at himself. What am I?
A) Slytherin's Bathroom
B) The Shrieking Shack
C) Hogsmeade
D) The Whomping Willow

82. When you wear me, nobody will see you. What am I?
A) A Time Turner
B) An Invisibility Cloak
C) An Invisibility Necklace
D) A Disappearing Coat

83. Get too close to me, and you will be very unhappy. You wouldn't want to date me either. Have my kiss, and I will take your soul. What am I?
A) A Snake
B) A Goblin
C) A Ghost
D) A Dementor

84. Drink my blood when you are nearly dead, and you will surivive no matter what. However, you will spend the rest of your life cursed. What am I?
A) Unicorn
B) Centaur
C) Magical Spider
D) Fluffy a Three Headed Dog

85. Give me a letter and tell me who to give it to, and I will get it to him/her. What am I?
A) A Rat
B) An Owl
C) An Animagus
D) A Grim

86. I know about all the secret passages in Hogwarts. I can even tell you who is on campus and where they are. To get me to open up, though, you must say, "I do solemnly swear that I am up to no good!" What am I?
A) The Marauders Map
B) The Sorting Hat
C) The Magic Wand
D) The Magical Text Book

87. I am a witch or wizards most useful and necessary tool. Without me, they can't do any magic. Sometimes I am made with unicorn hair, other times the feather of a phoenix. What am I?
A) A Broom
B) A Wand
C) Floo Powder
D) A Dragon

88. In Quidditch, if you catch me, you end the game. I am small and gold. What am I?
A) Snitch
B) Quaffle
C) Bludger
D) The Flag

89. What color is the Slytherin banner?
A) Blue
B) Brown
C) Red
D) Green

90. Which country plays Ireland in the Quidditch World Cup final?
A) Bulgaria
B) Romania
C) Slovenia
D) Germany

91.What spell did Ron use against the troll in the first book?
B)Wingardium Leviosa
C)Avada Kedavra

92.Dumbledore was in which of the following houses?

93. Is Harry older than Hermione?

94.What is the password to get into Gryffindor?

A)Caput Draconis
B)Open Sesame

95.What is a bezoar?
A)A penalty for elbowing in Quidditch.
B)An ugly plant that looks like thick, black, giant slugs; used to treat acne.
c)A stone taken from the stomach of a goat that will counteract most poisons.
D)One of the Dark Creatures

96.Where does Charlie Weasley work with dragons?


97. Why does every male go weak in the knees whenever Fleur Delacour is around?
a. She has Veela blood in her
b. She's Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile award winner

c. She is part of the French Quidditch World Cup team

98. What does Mad Eye Moody turn Draco Malfoy into?
a. A hamster
b. A hawk
c. A ferret

99. What is Mad Eye Moody's first name?
a. Albus
b. Alistair
c. Alastor

100.True or False
Hogwarts was founded by 3 wizards

1 comment:

Unknown said...

PUT ANSWERS ON THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!